§ 34-230. Alarm revocation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No alarm system will be allowed to transmit or in any other way connect to any alarm board or other receiving equipment located on village property or monitored by village employees unless said alarm system is registered in accordance with the provisions contained herein and said alarm system is working in a manner that is determined to be satisfactory by the alarm coordinator.


    In the event an alarm system is not registered as required by this article or is not working in a satisfactory manner as determined by the alarm coordinator or any fees payable to the village are 30 days overdue, said alarm system shall, at the direction of the alarm coordinator, be disconnected from direct monitoring at the village police department.


    If the fire or police department records indicate six or more false alarms within any 12-month period for any alarm system:


    The alarm coordinator shall notify the alarm user or agency of any such fact and direct that the user submit a report to the department within 15 days of receipt of said notice describing the actions to be taken to eliminate the cause of the false alarms.


    If the alarm user or agency submits a report as directed, the alarm coordinator shall determine whether or not the action to be taken will substantially reduce the likelihood of false alarms; if he determines that the action will substantially reduce the likelihood of false alarms, he shall notify the alarm user or agency that his registration will not be revoked, but that if more false alarms occur within any 12-month period, the user's registration may be revoked.


    If no report is submitted, or if the alarm coordinator determines that the action to be taken by the alarm user or agency will not substantially reduce the likelihood of false alarms, the alarm coordinator shall give notice to the user that the registration will be revoked if the user does not file within ten days a written request for a hearing.


    If a hearing is requested, written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be served on the user by the alarm coordinator, at least ten days prior to the date set for the hearing, which date shall not be more than 21 days nor less than ten days after the filing of the request for the hearing.


    The hearing shall be before the alarm hearing board. The alarm user or agency shall have the right to present written and oral evidence regarding the alarm. If the hearing board determines that in fact six or more false alarms have occurred, and the alarm user or agency has failed to take action to substantially reduce the likelihood of false alarms, the hearing board shall issue written findings to that effect and an order revoking the alarm user's or agency's registration.


    An alarm user or agency whose registration has been revoked may apply for a revoked user's registration subject to the term thereof. The alarm coordinator may impose reasonable restrictions and conditions upon the alarm user or agency before issuing a revoked user's registration, which restrictions and conditions shall be written on the registration.


    The false alarm hearing board shall be made up of three residents of the village, of a majority age, appointed by the village president, to serve at his pleasure for an indefinite term.

(Code 1964, § 22-81; Ord. No. 1988-24, 6-27-1988)