§ 34-229. False alarms.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If the village police department responds to more than three false alarms within any 12-month period at the same premises, the alarm user or agency shall pay to the village, within 30 days after receiving notification of a false alarm, the amounts provided in the village fee schedule.


    If the village fire department responds to more than three false alarms in any 12-month period at the same premises, the alarm user or agency shall pay to the village for each and every false alarm in excess of the aforementioned three false alarms, within 30 days after receiving notification of same, the amount provided in the village fee schedule.


    The alarm coordinator shall notify, in writing, the alarm user or agency of each instance wherein a false alarm was recorded and in the case of the third recorded false alarm in any 12-month period shall further notify the registrant that additional false alarms will result in the imposition of charges as set forth herein. Each registrant shall have the opportunity, within ten calendar days after the receipt of such notice, to submit, in writing, a report to the alarm coordinator for the purpose of explaining the circumstances surrounding or the causes of any false alarms.

(Code 1964, § 22-80; Ord. No. 1988-24, 6-27-1988; Ord. No. 2008-40, § 2(22-80), 4-28-2008)