§ 44-223. Licensing conditions.  

Latest version.
  • In issuing commercial collection licenses as required by this section, the village shall seek to maximize the quality of service provided. Therefore, all applicants shall meet and adhere to the following conditions:


    All firms applying for a commercial collection license shall be required to conform to all applicable local, county, state and federal regulations governing refuse, yard waste and recycling, their collection, transportation and processing or disposal.


    Application and annual fees paid for the right to collect refuse, yard waste and recyclable materials from commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments within the village shall be paid at the time a license application is filed and thereafter at the time of renewal pursuant to charges as provided in the village fee schedule.


    A complete listing of all customers served shall be submitted by all licensed contractors within 90 days of initial licensing, and amended as of the first of each month for additions and deletions thereafter.


    A license to provide for commercial collection shall not be reassigned and is not transferable.


    As part of the application process, the applicant shall supply information including, but not limited to, operation office location; equipment storage facilities and transfer stations; a listing of the vehicular equipment intended for utilization within the village; public customer telephone numbers; emergency telephone numbers; and the listing of owned or leased disposal or recycling sites intended for use during the licensing period, all of which must be properly approved by the state.


    The servicing location must be equipped with sufficient telephones and shall have a responsive person in charge during the times of collection and at least from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except during village-designated holidays.


    In the event a firm licensed for commercial collections in the village relocates any or all of its operations, written notice of such change shall be promptly submitted to the village.

(Code 1964, § 13-10(C); Ord. No. 94-20, 5-2-1994)